My life has not been easy, but whose life has? Getting married off by my mother, as a newly turned 14 year-old, my life was bound to change. Being a teen mom, living in some of the worst conditions growing up, I never did I imagine I would be where I am today. Through many challenges I achieved a level of success that I could never of dream of.
With back to back challenges I found faith. I also found the courage to fight hard. Fight towards survival and a better life. I survived and I was able to overcome some of the worst things imaginable. I saw was able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Much happiness and peace.
But now I am faced with yet another unexpected, life altering challenge. This I consider one of the toughest and hardest difficulties I have had to encounter thus far.
Something I did not ask for, nor something that I planed for. I am now facing a deadly disease that now haunts my family, Huntington’s disease. “It has been called the cruelest disease known to man.” I would have to agree. But I have HOPE.
I hope to share my life story. The battles I have to face day in and day out with this awful, deadly disease. With hope, I fight in faith, follow my story…